Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Move Over Mel Tillits [Matthew 25:13-30; other topics = Disabilities, Talents (Hidden)]

While looking around for talent in the church, remember that not all those whose talents appear hidden have indeed hidden them.

Consider this story - Gail Stout, Associate Editor of Church Business magazine, reports her pastor was in the habit of asking for testimonies at their worship services, to make them more personal.

One Sunday, Daisy, one of the assistants in the church office, stood with her husband. She told of their meeting each other in church as children and their life together. Everyone who had ever been in the church offices knew of her positive and happy spirit. But it wasn’t until that Sunday testimony that people found out about her strength and her husband’s disability ... their mutual love of the Lord and of each other shined from within.

Daisy’s husband and childhood sweetheart had suffered a stroke years earlier and was now unable to speak. When Daisy finished their testimony, her husband came to the microphone and sang a beautiful solo.

[Gail Stout, “A Woman’s Place in the Church,” Church Business, July 1999]

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