Thursday, January 17, 2008

CLEANSING: In Touch With Self!

"But a voice from heaven answered a second time, 'What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy.'"
Acts 11:9
Health-savvy women like to think they’re in touch with their bodies. Whenever there is something wrong, they believe their bodies tell them. They search for lumps and scrutinize every mole-like blemish.

They claim they let their bodies talk; they “listen for any bad news.” But with diabetes, the rules of the conversation are different: the disease works silently. It can ravage the body for years without showing any outward signs. Diabetes rots the kidneys, numbs the nerves in the lower legs, clouds vision and damages the heart. All while you feel just fine.

The good news is that a simple, and relatively inexpensive, blood test can tell you whether your body is managing its glucose levels properly. If you know you have diabetes, a doctor can help keep blood sugar in a safe range and prevent long-term damage.

Even better, a new study has shown that exercise can greatly reduce any genetic inclination we may have inherited toward developing the disease.

[Adapted from an article by Linda Carroll, MSNBC, November 16, 1999]

Similarly, worldly-savvy people like to think they are in touch with their spirits and souls. They like to believe they know themselves well enough to know when something is wrong.

They claim to let their hearts speak to them and they “listen for any bad news.” But with sin, the rules are different: sin works silently. It can ravage the spirit and the soul for years without any telltale signs. It rots the spirit and numbs the mind, clouds vision and hardens the heart. All while you feel just fine.

The Good News is that a simple, but extremely expensive, application of shed blood can eliminate the effects of sin. If you know you are a sinner, an disciple can help limit temptations and prevent long-term damage from past exposure. Even better, Bible study has shown that spiritual exercise can greatly reduce any genetic inclination we may have inherited toward giving in to temptations.

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