Tuesday, January 22, 2008

MISSIONS: The reality of God's will!

Years ago a young man and his bride wanted to make a difference for God in this world; they applied and were accepted as missionaries to Africa.

Following their arrival in New York to prepare for oversees service, mission officials determined the rigors of Africa would put the wife at risk. The agency revoked their deputation.

The couple returned home, brokenhearted, wondering how to rebuild their shattered dream. They decided to make money – lots of money – to support missions. They figured they could make it possible to send others to share the gospel of Christ even though they could not go themselves.

The young man's father had been making unfermented wine for their church’s communion services. His son soon became involved with him. Their name was Welch. They manufacture Welch’s grape juice to this day. The company has given millions to spread the gospel through missions. Did they rebuild their dream?

Despite our human frailty - God wants to use us in a positive way in negative world. Remember who we are; we are a people of God’s own choosing, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.

It only takes a grain of salt in a substance to know it’s there. Even though you may feel small, weak or insignificant - you're not! We are “the salt of the earth, the light of the world.”

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