Sunday, January 20, 2008


"But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ."
Philippians 3:7 [6-17]
Several years ago the movie Dead Poets Society revived an obscure Latin term: carpe diem. It means seize the day. It's an exhortation to live life to the fullest!

If you asked a hundred people, they would all say that’s what they want; no one wants a mediocre life, we want full lives.

Advertisers know this; consider the following advertising slogans: “Who Says You Can't Have It All,” “Just Do It,” “Satisfy Your Thirst,” “Go for the Gusto,” “Life Is A Journey - Enjoy the Ride,” etc.

Unfortunately, we get caught up in our daily living and have convinced ourselves that we lack the time to seize the day! We have deadlines, commitments, emergencies, distractions … we want more fulfillment from life, but it’s not near enough to grasp.

Paul understood - carpe diem! In Philippians 3 he describes it; if you follow his reasoning, you too can seize the day, living life to the fullest, no matter the chaos around you.

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