ALMOST PERSUADED! [Various; other topics - Outreach, Persistence, Soul-winning]Every trip we make to one of our national parks someone in our family tries to feed a squirrel or chipmunk. In every instance the animal doesn’t trust us or any one else. Even though we leave a peanut for the animal again and again, it won’t trust us … again and again! The ingrate is never quite persuaded.Inside, people are like these animals: wild, small, nervous, paranoid, filled with fears. But the writer of the song, “Almost Persuaded,” didn’t write it because he believed people were hopelessly lost. Rather, he wrote it because he knew it might be the next spiritual peanut which would persuade another sinner to receive what Jesus has offered … freedom from all their fears and life everlasting.
BEING SOMEBODY! [Proverbs 11:30; other topics - Soul-winning]Lily Tomlin is supposed to have said, “I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific.”
We all need goals, and the more specific the goal the easier it is to accomplish; and the easier it is to know when you’ve achieved it. To many people set vague goals and end up being what they do not want to be.Christians are supposed to be Christ-like … to demonstrate the characteristics of our Lord. More specifically, we are to desire his communicable attributes (loving, goodness, kindness; gentleness, patience, truthfulness, justice, wisdom, etc.) … those characteristics which make Him who He is.Unfortunately, soul-winning is like Bible reading: Barna reports 75% of Americans believe it’s important to read the Bible daily, yet only 13% actually read it daily.FROM SAVING EYES TO SAVING SOULS! [Matthew 28:19, 20; other topics - Fruit Bearing, Sowing and Reaping, Witness]
Bob Reccord, president & CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board, relates a story of an ophthalmologist Howard Hendricks thought was the greatest witness for Jesus Christ in Dallas, Texas.
It seems the good Dr. came under conviction when some students asked if he had ever led anyone to the Lord. Even though he had been active in his evangelical church for twelve years, he had not led anyone to the throne of grace personally. At the students encouragement he joined a training program and learned to share his faith; he became a fervent witness for the Good News.
Years later, when Hendricks visited a remote part of India, he used the story of this ophthalmologist turned evangelist to illustrate a point. He did not however use the Dr.’s name.
Later, an Indian doctor approached Hendricks and said, “You were talking about _______ ” (giving the doctor’s name). “How did you know?” Hendricks asked. “I went to medical school in Dallas, I went to see him about my eyes. He led me to Christ and discipled me.” The native doctor replied.
Today this Indian doctor is the only licensed neurosurgeon in his part of India. He has tremendous influence for Jesus as a result of an American eye doctor who overcame his indifference concerning witnessing.
When you truly comprehend the love of the One who gave His life while you were yet a sinner, you are compelled to tell someone about Him. Lovers introduce their loved ones to others.
[Adapted from: “Beware of rabbit-hole Christianity,” On Mission; Vol. 2, No. 3, July-August 1999, 7]
HARVESTING CHURCHES! [Mat. 28:19-20; other topics - Soul-winning]
Jesus said, “Follow after Me, and I’ll cause you to be fishers of men.” [Mark 1:17; my translation] Jesus intends for us to be fishers of men; He intends for us to be actively fishing; He intends us to bring in the catch!
In an article in NEXT magazine, Geo. Hunter III catalogues what he found as common denominators in harvesting churches: [Current Thoughts & Trends; January 97, p.17; #11753]1.) Harvesting churches are rooted in God’s Word - through sound preaching, teaching, and small group studies!
2.) They target the lost and unchurched; and care about them!
3.) They are pro-active and expectant in prayer!
4.) They are committed to the Great Commission!
5.) They share a rich vision of what individuals can become in Christ (i.e., fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ)!
6.) They learn the language and culture of the unchurched!
7.) They minister to the “life concerns” of the lost and the unchurched (e.g., health, parenting, relationships, etc.)!
8.) Their message is relevant across generational lines!
9.) They emphasize lay ministry according to giftedness!
10.) They recognize “shepherds do not make new sheep; sheep make new sheep”!
11.) They’re not content with their ranks swelling with nominal Christians!Harvesting churches recognize it’s “always” harvest time for those who follow Jesus; they are willing to get in the field and pick the fruit. Key for these churches is the realization, by their people, that understanding of one’s faith grows as one regularly explains it to others!
HELP ME, I'VE FALLEN! [Matthew 25:40; other topics - Witnessing]
You’re walking down the street at night following a late business meeting; in fact it’s after midnight. You’re on your way to a public parking lot and pass several rather dingy bars. Near a dimly lit intersection, just a few feet out in the street, between two parked cars, you see the figure of a man crumpled up on the pavement. It’s a bum, a drunk; a man too blighted to know he’s fallen, too sloshed to get up even if he did.
There’s no traffic on the street but you hear the sound of vehicles on those nearby. It’ll only be a matter of time before a delivery truck or a cab speeds down the road. They won’t see the guy until they hit him. The man isn’t asking you to get involved; there’s no, “Help! I’ve fallen and can’t get up.” In fact, at the moment the boozer could care less. But, if the poor soul knew what was about to happen to him, don’t you think he would plead for help? What should you do?
Most, if not all, true-believers would go to his aid; they would take the time to lend assistance.
Mankind is lost and dead in his trespasses; he’s too sin-filled to know what has happened to him, too carnal to care. There he is, lying in the path of destruction, in need of assistance.
Lost people aren’t going to ask you to get involved; in truth, based on experience, I’d say most of them want you to leave them alone. But, if those poor souls were to know what was about to happen to them, don’t you think they would cry out to be pulled out of the way of God’s coming judgment? At least to be shown how they could be saved from it?
Witnessing is not like breathing, it’s like eating. The former is done absent-mindedly, out of necessity; the later is a deliberate act, requiring a certain amount of preparation and a conscious desire to act.
MULTIPLICATION GARDENS! [Luke 8:8; other topics - Church Growth, Fruit Bearing]
In a friend’s garden is what my friend calls “multiplying” onions. I love onions more than my wife wishes, but these I especially love.
Where most onions have just the bulb in the ground, these have them on the stem ends as well; each onion has three or four onion bulbs on each mature stem. It is a very peculiar plant.
Then again, so are the children of God; each is to be planted in the good soil; each is to bear fruit … a hundred times. We are to be multiplying Christians.NO "PLAN B"! [Psalm 68:20; other topics – Lost, Salvation, Sovereignty or Will (of God)]
Mall managers all over the world are concerned about teens using their centers as hangouts. In some malls, hundreds of teens are present at the same time for no other reason than that "There’s nothing to do." How do you keep them from congregating in annoying packs?
The Warrawong Westfield mall in Wollongong (yes, there is really a place by this name south of Sydney, Australia ) arrived at this original solution: they play Bing Crosby music, loudly, over the mall’s public address system. And it works (or at least we’re told it works).
Being good business people they have a Plan B in the event Plan A doesn’t work: lighting that amplifies facial blemishes will be installed.
Fortunately, God doesn’t need or want a Plan B. His Plan A has always been certain of success; it has always been to seek and to save that which was lost [Luke 19:10]. When all has been said and done, there will be no one in Hell who can wag his finger at Heaven and proclaim, "There’s been a mistake; I don’t belong here!"
NOTHING CAN RESTRAIN! [Matthew 28:18-20; Soul-winning; Witnessing]A Haitian mute preaches the gospel in his small village. "There is something quite amazing about this young man," a church planter in the village told Christian Aid Mission. "Even though he cannot hear or speak, he is sharing the gospel with the people around him."
The young man uses pantomime in acting out the story of Jesus Christ. By refusing to let his handicap stand in the way, he is provoking others to be more evangelistic.What can we say? We know what God will say to this young man, right after his tongue is restored, “Well done, My good and faithful servant.”
TELL THE WATCHMEN – IT AIN'T OVER TILL IT'S OVER! [Ezekiel 3:16-21; other topics - Overcoming, Perseverance, Watchmen]
It’s a strange feeling, being a Christian: when is our work finished? A painter knows a house is finished when all the areas needing painting are painted. An author knows his book is done when it goes to publication. A coach knows the game is finished when the final whistle blows. A driver knows the race is over when the checkered flag is waved. A general knows the battle is over when the enemy surrenders. An audience knows the concerto has reached its end when the orchestra stops playing and the conductor turns to take a bow. A heart surgeon knows his treatment is over when his patient sends him a photo of himself surfing the Pipeline in Hawaii.
Until then they keep painting, writing, exhorting, driving, fighting, enjoying, and treating.
Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t over till it’s over.” Well, when is it over? Not until the Lord says it’s over. Until then, we just keep on watching and warning.
Those of us who serve as watchmen often feel no one hears our warning cry. We see the sheep in the pew but know most of them are not hearing the warnings. They come to hear a “good talk” or be entertained or be inspired or be seen … but there is nothing in what we say that is “talk,” and we certainly don’t entertain … and only the Lord inspires and we are seen, just as we are! [Hebrews 4:12, 13]
Until it’s over we must keep on keeping on … there are enemies in the camp, there are enemies outside the camp, still we must keep on warning.
TO SEEK AND SAVE! [2 Corinthians 3:3; Other topics - Good News, Salvation, Witness]
An Internet company named Napster has been in the news a lot this year. They offer a program which allows its clients to obtain free music on the Internet. Like many webbed-based businesses their success has been phenomenal. Most record companies and rock bands don’t share their enthusiasm, however. Many organizations are taking to the courts for legal and financial protection.
Why is that? It’s because Napster enables you to locate your favorite songs on other computers, download, catalog, and share them with friends. The format (MP3) allows users to store near-CD-quality re-cordings, copyrighted or not.
The issue of copyright is confusing is not clear on the Internet. Artists should have control over their work; after all, it's the way they make their living. The related issues are far from resolved.
In the same sense, salvation is also available for download, at any time – the connection is always open – without copyright restrictions. God offers eternal life through Jesus Christ free to anyone who believes. You can't buy sal-vation anyway; God’s only Son paid the price.
Jesus is seeking lost human "hard drives" for saving. God has opted to use Christians to share the Good News, sort of like browsers (the interface software between a computer and the Internet).
If you have a personal relationship with God through Christ, chances are someone downloaded the Good News to you for free. Why not do the same for someone else today? You won't get into any legal trouble, His message was designed to be shared!
Source/Attribution: Love for Jesus Org., Hesperia, CA, 24 February 2001
Friday, January 28, 2005
EVANGELISM - As the Father sent Him, so He sends you!
Posted by
John Gillmartin
11:38 PM
Labels: 2 Corinthians, Christ-likeness, Evangelism, Ezekiel, Fruit, Good News, Lost, Matthew, Overcoming, Perseverance, Proverbs, Psalms, Reaping, Soul-winning, Sovereignty, Sowing, Will (of God), Witnessing
Final Quarter of the Game
One of my seminary professors was fond of reminding us prayer “wasn’t intended to be a fourth down punting situation.”
I’d add that its better suited to the pre-game process, or even Spring training. Unfortunately, we and our nation are in the last minute of the fourth quarter, with no time outs remaining.
Posted by
John Gillmartin
10:59 PM
FORGIVENESS: We've an endless supply, why so stingy?
IN THE END, NOTHING! [Jeremiah 2:22; Atonement, Cleansing, Sin]
Once in the Bureau of Standards in Washington, a tiny tube of [less] than 2/1000 of an ounce of radium was accidentally dropped on the floor and broken.
They swept up the radium with a camel's hair brush and washed the floor to get the rest of it, but enough radium remained to render another washing necessary, and this time they washed the floor with acidulated water, and still another time with soda water, and a fourth time with hydrated water.
Each yielded about four hundred dollars worth of radium. Finally a carpenter came and scraped the floor. Three years later the shavings were burnt and the ashes were found to be strong in radium. (Robert G. Lee, Salvation In Christ and Other Messages, [Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1961], 57)'Although you wash yourself with lye And use much soap, The stain of your iniquity is before Me,' declares the Lord GOD.The oldest game in the world is its endless effort to hide sin, change its appearance, change its name, or redefine it. Man is destined to have his sins revealed, as they truly are:Jeremiah 2:22But if you will not do so, behold, you have sinned against the LORD, and be sure your sin will find you out.But in Christ Jesus we have forgiveness of sins. The Bible says ...Numbers 32:23If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.And when we have been cleansed there will be no residue, absolutely no trace will be found; and when we finally face the fire, only the wood, hay, and stubble will be consummed. (Added 3/1/06)1 John 1:9
WINDSHIELD WIPER SERMON [Isaiah 43:25; 44:22; other topics - Cleansing, Sin]
A friend relates a rainy day experience:I was driving along one of our main streets, taking all those extra precautions which are necessary when the roads slick; unexpectedly, my son declared, "Mom, I’ve been thinking." This disclosure usually meant he had been pondering a fact for some time and was now ready to expound on all his seven-year-old mind had discovered.Cleansing is a daily routine for civilized people. The old but unbiblical saying, "Cleanliness is next to godliness," has as its roots the desire of civilized people to feel free from daily contamination, whether major or minor. The Children of Israel were the first to adopt cleansing as a way of life; the Christians and other organized and civilized people followed suit.
Eager to hear, I asked, "What’ve you thinking?" "The rain is like sin," he began, "and the windshield wipers are like God, wiping our sins away."
After the goose bumps raced up my arms, I was able to respond, "That’s really good, Matthew." Then my curiosity cut in: how far would this little boy take this revelation? So I asked, "Have you noticed how the rain keeps coming? What does that tell you?"
Matthew didn’t hesitate for a moment, "We keep sinning and God just keeps on forgiving us." [Author Unknown]
John R. Rice used to tell the story of a man he visited on his death bed. At the first visit a friend ask the man "Is there something I can do? What can I do for you?" The man said, "No, there isn’t anything you can do." The next day the same thing, "Is there anything I can do?" "No, no," he said. A third and fourth time he asked. The man, in obvious weakness and discomfort, said, "No! No! No! There’s nothing anybody can do. But, oh, if there were only somebody who could undo!" [Adapted from - “The Shortest Road to Hell: NEGLECT!” John R. Rice, The Sword of the Lord, Vol. XXIV, No. 15; Friday, April 11, 1953; p. 5]
Man desires also to feel free of spiritual contamination. Billy Graham is most often cited as the source of the Minninger quote attributed to the institute’s founder. Apparently when asked what would heal mentally ill people the quickest, he responded, "Forgiveness!"
Posted by
John Gillmartin
10:05 PM
Labels: Atonement, Cleansing, Confession, Deathbed, Forgiveness, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Science, Sin
God (Holy Spirit)
I’m A Paper Clip Kind of Guy [Zechariah 4:6; Holy Spirit Power]
Take a strong magnet (such as found in a audio speaker) and some paper clips as a visual aid; hold the magnet over the clips and let the magnet catch them up.
Explain what holds the paper clips in your hand: gravity, the law of physics that posits a larger mass will attracts a smaller mass. Now explain that the small magnet has just overcome the entire earth’s gravity.
The Holy Spirit (who we wrongly see as not so powerful) does the same thing. He overcomes the power of the world, the flesh and the devil.
Posted by
John Gillmartin
9:43 PM
Labels: Holy Spirit, Power (of God), Zechariah
Gospel (False)
Oh, no! Not Again! [Matthew 7:22; False Spirits, Apologetics]
Computer users are being plagued with phony virus warnings and with patently false rumors concerning anti-Judeo/Christian activities. E-mail has made the proliferation of hoaxes much easier than in the past. Now there are some authentic viruses we need to know about; there are some genuine anti-Christian efforts at work in the world also.
Just as the printing press was used by God to proliferate the Good News in hard copy , the computer is making every kind of fraud easy to commit ... even so called harmless deceptions. The problem is to tell the genuine article from the fake. Many agencies of the federal government, departments of large corporations, and individuals and groups on the World Wide Web are tracking this chicanery.
In the same way, since the first century, false gospels have plagued the Church. Many wonderful evangelical, Christian organizations exist today to help the believer and the searcher discover what is real and what is false. But the first and best source of information on the true gospel was and is the Word of God.
Posted by
John Gillmartin
8:49 PM
Labels: Apologetics, False Spirits, Gospel, Gospel (false), Matthew, Viruses
GRACE (GOD'S): Divine Surrogate for What We Deserve!
AT THE TIME APPOINTED [1 Peter 3:15; other topics - Timing]During the June 4th 1944, WWII Normandy invasion 25-year-old Pvt. Ray Aebischer’s parachute opened with such a jolt his heavy jump-pack was torn from his shoulders, plummeting to earth. Everything he needed to survive (machine gun, carbine, ammo, canteen, rations, personal items, etc.) was lost. Ray was so sure he’d never see his gear again he dismissed it from his mind. Pvt. Aebischer didn’t count on Emmanuel Allain.
One dar in October 1997, a letter arrived from Mr. Allain, a WWII aficionado and collector. He wrote, “I found in a farm in Normandy all the stuff (belt pistol, carbine ... suspenders belt, canteen, pocket first aid, etc.) of a soldier.” The name on several of these items was Ray R. Aebischer. Now 81, Aebischer said he was “dumbfounded.”
Last month he and his wife flew to England, where Allain met them with the wayward jump-pack in hand. “I could think of so many instances where I could have been killed,” he said. “I thought to myself, except for the grace of God, I could be there. The real heroes are still over there.”
[“Soldier’s D-Day invasion gear found 53 years later,” The Washington Times, June 14, 1999, National Weekly Edition, p.18; from a Newport News, Va. (AP) report]
LOVE CHANGES THINGS [Galatians 3:1-3; other topics - Law, Love]Consider the widow woman who remarried: her first husband was a totalitarian man, very controlling, dictatorial, and unforgiving; her second husband was loving, gentle, patient, and forgiving.
While cleaning a trunk, she came across her first husband’s list of rules: first, arise at five AM, every morning; second, breakfast at six AM, sharp, three basted eggs, toast lightly buttered; third, all washing to be ironed, including sheets, cases, and sox, with starch in collars; and fourth, fresh coffee, three times each day. Other rules concerned exact amounts of salt to use in his meals, how she was to appear in public, and what things she was could say in the company of others.
The list confronted her with a horrible truth: she was still keeping her first husband’s rules. But she smiled when she realized she had been forced to keep the rules under her first husband, yet now she was glad to keep them because of her second husband’s love for her.
Love changes things. What seems to be burdensome under the authority of a loveless tyrant becomes a labor of love under the authority of gracious master.
There is no longer a need to keep the Law for we are "saved by grace through faith" [Ephesians 2:8]. Yet Jesus said, “Therefore, however you want people to treat you, so treat them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” [Matthew 7:12] And Jesus’ half-brother said, “One who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man shall be blessed in what he does. … So speak and so act, as those who are to be judged by the law of liberty.” [James 1:25; 2:12]
Anytime we need to be reminded of the difference between Law and Grace, all we must do is revisit the first five books of the Old Testament; there we’ll see the old taskmaster at work. We may then smile and know that we are keeping His law gladly due to His great love for us, and that while we are yet sinners [Romans 5:8].
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Concrete Confusion
When is a mistake not a mistake? In language at least, the answer is, “When everyone adopts it,” and on rare occasions, “When it's in the dictionary.” The word internecine presents a case in point.The above is from, it usually has the meaning “relating to internal struggle,” but in its first recorded use in English, in 1663, it meant “fought to the death.” How it got from one sense to another is an interesting story in the history of English.The Latin source of the word, spelled both internecnus and internecvus, meant “fought to the death, murderous.” It is a derivative of the verb necre, “to kill.” The prefix inter- was here used not in the usual sense “between, mutual” but rather as an intensifier meaning “all the way, to the death.”This piece of knowledge was unknown to Samuel Johnson, however, when he was working on his great dictionary in the 18th century. He included internecine in his dictionary but misunderstood the prefix and defined the word as “endeavoring mutual destruction.”Johnson was not taken to task for this error. On the contrary, his dictionary was so popular and considered so authoritative that this error became widely adopted as correct usage. The error was further compounded when internecine acquired the sense “relating to internal struggle.”This story thus illustrates how dictionaries are often viewed as providing norms and how the ultimate arbiter in language, even for the dictionary itself, is popular usage.
Church history is full of examples of the acceptance of a biblical truth which is not biblical at all; "cleanliness is next to godliness," for example.
Posted by
John Gillmartin
11:01 AM
Labels: Bible, Church history, Internecine, Scripture, Word
Friday, January 21, 2005
The Tile Layer [Romans 8:29-30; other topics - Perfection; Sanctification; Likeness; Reflection]
People are often impatient to see their new ceramic tile laid; they’re reluctant to endure the required prep work.
It is true you may lay ceramic tile over the top of almost anything (plywood, old tile, hardboard, drywall, etc.), but it’s just as true that professionals lay tile over a concrete type board ... sort of a “super” board.
The reason is simple: many materials are unstable when it comes to such things as moisture, heat, and age; whereas concrete-impregnated fibre-board is stable under even the harshest of conditions. Those grout lines in your tile are just like fault lines in the earth’s crust; under the right conditions, stress will cause those lines to fracture ... some stresses will even cause the tiles themselves to crack.
A good tile job will be laid on a solid foundation; a inferior tile job will reveal itself soon enough.
God is never finished with His disciples (at least this side of eternity future); we often require a great deal of prep work before any final material is laid on.
Many times old materials must be removed, other times the old material just needs repair or resecuring. This not only protects the finished product, but ensures a good testimony for the Tile Layer.
Since we’re the very reflection of Christ in us, this is an important part of the job. Good discipling gives evidence of a solid foundation; impatient discipling reveals itself soon enough.
Posted by
John Gillmartin
10:45 PM
Labels: Discipleship, Image, Patience, Perfection, Romans, Sanctification
Sunday, January 16, 2005
We are told that in many places in Indonesia, the tidal wave from the Christmas earthquake of 2004 off the coast of Sumatra came as a wall of water 30-50 feet high is many places.
Most people simply drowned; but witnesses are saying that a large number of them were battered to death or were cut to ribbons by the debris caught up in the water.
The godless forces of this age have become like a wall of water, climbing high over our heads. The debris they pick up on their rush to overwhelm us is battering the best parts of our existence and slicing the remainder into scrapes.
Lifestyles which allow no room for the elderly have fueled the “physician assisted suicide” movement. Lifestyles which allow no room for the inconvenience of children have fueled baby murders by the millions. Lifestyles which allow no room for personal responsibility have fueled the drug and pornography industries, leading to the ruin of countless thousands of lives.
What is going on here? No one person has the definitive answer but research is pointing back to the Age of Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution; where the questioning of God and life began, and where people began to look for salves for the guilt associated with their new wealth, toys, and lack of concern for others.
The former questioned the value of any non-humanistic philosophy, man became man’s new god; the latter fed the hubris and greed of man, leading to class distinctions along the lines of intellect and wealth.
One philosophy says, “If you can’t keep up, it must be your fault.” The other says, “If you’re poor or sick it isn’t our fault, we’ve worked hard for what we have. And no, you can’t have any of ours.”
Without Christianity interceding at every juncture the slaughter of “the least of these” would be worse than it is … you see, the destination of godlessness is human perfection, an unreachable objective.
The Caesars, the Hitlers, the Pol Pots, the Idi Amins, the Mao Zedongs, and our Islamo-fascists have revealed their "solution" for man’s problems, death to all who will not submit and serve their altar death.
Posted by
John Gillmartin
5:05 PM
Labels: Cultural decay, Death, Godlessness, Godliness, Humanism, Lifestyles, Philosophy, Sanctity of Life
Hole in the Wall [Ezekiel 8:7-9; other topics - Discernment]
Our newspaper reported a hole had been blown in the wall of Police Headquarters; police are said to be looking into it.
[JokesEveryDay; June 24th, 1999]
Posted by
John Gillmartin
1:46 PM
Labels: Discernment, Ezekiel, Humor, Insight, Investigations, Police
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Sorry, Didn’t Recognize You [Matthew 7:22-23; other topics - Omniscience]
A middle-aged woman had a heart attack; while on the operating table she had a near death experience. Seeing God, she asks, “Is this it? Am I dead?” God answers, "No, you’ve another 30 to 40 years to live.”
The lady recovers quite we’ll and decides to stay in the hospital for a facelift, some tummy-tucking, a hair-root dye, and some well place lipo-suction. She figures since she’s got a lot more life to live she might as well make the most of it.
Leaving the hospital after recuperating, she is hit by an ambulance. She arrives at the Great White Throne Judgment in heaven and asks, “What happened? I thought you said I had another 30 to 40 years?” But God replies, "Sorry - I simply didn’t recognize you.”
There’s going to be no problem being identified at the Sheep-Goat judgment. Even those who come in the Name of the Lord, protesting their faith, but uncovered by the Blood of the Lamb, will be found out! And Jesus will say to these: "I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS."
[Adapted from JokesEveryDay; 8/31/99]
Posted by
John Gillmartin
7:30 PM
Labels: Blood (of the Lamb), Judgment, Matthew, Omniscience
Lonely Heart’s Club [Hebrews 6:19-20; other topics - Burdens; Hope]
A lonely heart placed a personal ad in an unnamed Yorkshire, England, paper; he sought to meet a lady for outings and friendship. This poor soul received one reply - from his mother.
Jesus tells us to come unto Him if we are weary and heavy laden. For those of us who’ve “been there, done that,” the hope we have in our Lord is powerful beyond belief. Though times and circumstances assault us, the Lord’s solid foundation withstands the mightiest of storms.
How sad it is that generation after generation, in some families, passes on this hopelessness as their legacy. Truly the sins of the parents are visited to the kids to the third and fourth generations.
Posted by
John Gillmartin
7:03 PM
Labels: Burdens, Hebrews, Hope, Hopelessness, loneliness, Sin
SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE (Abortion, etc) - How Precious It Is!
PERSPECTIVESThe death toll of the South Asian earthquake this past Christmas has focused out attention on life and death like nothing else can or will.If, for the sake of discussion, we set the death toll in South Asia is about 250,000, would you be surprised to hear it will take the United States less than two months to kill that many unborn children? Now that's not including deaths from euthanasia or abuses such as drugs and pornography.This issue is not just a Christian issue, though it is primarily Christians who are leading the way. The fact is this issue has ramifications which will affect civilization as we know it.
John Piper writes in the Kairos Journal (Member login required) ...We were buying a dog a few years ago. At the humane society I picked up a brochure on the laws of Minnesota concerning animals. Statute 343.2, subdivision 1 says, “No person . . . shall unjustifiably injure, maim, mutilate or kill any animal.” Subdivision 7 says, “No person shall willfully instigate or in any way further any act of cruelty to any animal.” The penalty: “A person who fails to comply with any portion of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.”This set me to pondering the rights of the unborn. An eight-week-old human fetus has a beating heart, an EKG, brain waves, thumb sucking, pain sensitivity, finger grasping, and genetic humanity, but under our present laws is not a human person with rights under the Fourteenth Amendment, which says that “no state shall deprive any person of life . . . without due process of law.”I wondered, if the unborn do not qualify as persons, it seems that they could at least qualify as animals, say a dog, or at least a cat. Could we not at least charge abortion clinics with cruelty to animals under Statute 343.2, subdivision 7? Why is it legal to “maim, mutilate and kill” a pain-sensitive unborn human being but not an animal?These reflections have confirmed my conviction never to vote for a person who endorses such an evil–even if he could balance the budget tomorrow and end all taxation.
VIABILITY IN YOUR ENVIRONMENTI was listening to the Laura Ingraham talk show this morning (10 January 2006) and picked-up the following.The pro-choice folks constantly remind us a fetus is not a viable human being; meaning - if you remove a fetus from its mother's womb and lay it on a table and it dies, it's not viable; if, on the other hand, it survives, it is viable.A caller made the following point (my paraphrase): "A baby is viable in its environment. In the womb it is cared for and nourished. Let's strip the mother naked and chase her out onto polar ice cap and see if she's viable outside her environment!"
I love it! I absolutely love it!
TAGS: Abortion; Anecdotes; Christian anecdotes; Christian Illustrations; Illustrations; Roe v Wade; Sanctity of life
Posted by
John Gillmartin
3:23 PM
Labels: Abortion, Animals, Earthquake, Euthanasia, Life, Roe v Wade, Sanctity of Life, Viability
Accounts Payable [Romans 5:6, 8 (4:3); other topics - Debt; Judgment]
Floyd has come and gone! And the total destruction has yet to be realized ... the cost has yet to be tallied!
Every night the evening news presents another vignette of another farmer or business woman or senior couple who’ve lost everything. They each have the same lament, “I’ve lost everything, I don’t know how I’ll ever pay the debt.” These people are like the rest of us, we’re all up to our ears in debt. The combined effort of the government, their families, their friends, and their churches will fall short of what is needed.
Such is the condition of all mankind. So many stand on the threshold of God’s judgment it’s hard to comprehend. Coming are the waters of wasted lives, tornadoes of eternal torment, and the horrors of hell’s fire!
Our sins are like lava spewing from the mouth of an evil mountain, flowing slowly down hill, swallowing anything and everything in its path. But still the unbeliever, the doubter, and the mocker don’t see it coming! When they do, it’ll be too late; and when the bill is tallied ... it will be more than they can afford.
And yet while we were still in our sins, Christ died for us. And for those who will but believe, like Abram, God will reckon it as righteousness to our account.
Temporal Bouquet from an Eternal Florist! [Leviticus 26:39; other topics – Sanctification, Sin nature]
I ‘m told most people in 16th Century England got married in June because they took their annual bath in May. It seems they still smelled pretty good in June. Still, many were starting to ripen, so brides began carrying a bouquet of flowers to hide the aromas. [Adapted from Life in the 1500's, author unknown]
Christ is God’s supernatural bouquet for believers; He covers our sins and hides our natural odor.
Posted by
John Gillmartin
2:10 AM
Labels: Atonement, Debt, Judgment, Leviticus, Marriage, Romans, Sanctification, Sin
MARRIAGE - Two rivers come together as one!
A Pennsylvania bride-to-be coveted an elaborate, therefore expensive wedding. But her want exceeded her supply. So she and her fiancée decided to get some help paying for the fancy affair. The couple decided to sell advertising. They offered various space on their invitations and as well as displays at the ceremony itself ... instead of saying, “I do,” the bride said, “Did somebody say McDonalds?”
Divorce is a major problem for the church; the divorce rate among Christians (in Western, developed nations) is tracking that of the non-Christian world. With this we know for certain the institution of marriage is in big trouble. Marriage is not respected as it once was; it has become a fashionable but temporary convenience for many.
A parallel problem is the intrusion of the world into the church. One would expect the world to conceive of advertising at a marriage ceremony but who would anticipate a man of God performing such a service while invoking the name of God?
[The Sacramento Bee, 18 August 1999]
TAKE A SEAT! [Genesis 2:24; other topics - love; relationships, renewal] (added 28 January 2006)
Rebecca was looking through the family photo album with her grandmother, she was fascinated with the sepia-style pictures and old-fashioned clothing. As she leafed through the pages, her grandmother identified various family members and friends.
Rebecca noticed there were no photographs of her grandparents standing together, they were always seated. When she asked why this was, her grandmother explained, "I was six inches taller than your grandfather and he was sensitive about it.
"Grandma," Rebecca asked, "how could you have fallen in love with a man six inches shorter than you?" "Honey," she said, "we fell in love sitting down, and when I stood up, it was too late."
Rebecca's grandmother instinctively pointed out a fact relative to romance and marriage: we really do fall in love sitting down. In other words, early in a relationship, it is easy to overlook our partner's shortcomings.
If, in your current relationship, you and your partner are figuratively standing up, you probably don't recall the things you regarded as important when you first fell in love, things you now take for granted. This is probably true of the relationship as well. So, why not just sit down? You never meant to drift apart, it just happened.
Day boaters on the Niagara River, above the famous honeymoon falls, are warned -- there is a point of no return. There is a point on the river, beyond which, you will be swept over the falls. You won’t be able to recover your course. In marriage, the same is true. What are you waiting for, the point of no return?
If you and your partner are standing and the things which divide you are more apparent than the things which bring you together, sit down and reflect on what brought you together.
[Adapted from “The Duet” by David Sisler in Agape Press, February 7, 2002]
Posted by
John Gillmartin
1:59 AM
Labels: Genesis, Love, Mark, Marriage, Relationships, Renewal, Romance, Worldliness
Grow Up [2 Thessalonians 3:10; other topics - Personal Growth, Sanctification]
A new television commercial caught my eye a few weeks ago. It’s for the Holiday Inn hotel/motel chain.
It seems a 37 year old boy doesn’t want to leave home; to go it on his own. The mom and dad, both senior citizens, challenge the boy to get out. He asks, “What about grandma?” (Grandma also lives at home.)
His white-haired mother says, “Your Grandma’s 93 years-old.”
He counters, “What about Larry?” Mom says, “Larry’s the dog, honey.”
But he insists a kid should be able to stay at home free, and eat free (please note that this is Holiday Inn’s advertising slogan). Whereupon dad enters the debate, “What do you think this is, a Holiday Inn?”
This would make a great sermon title - “What do you think this is, a Holiday Inn?” Far too many Christians have taken the attitude that they should be able to stay free and eat free. But the Bible says something different.
Posted by
John Gillmartin
1:37 AM
Labels: 1 Thessalonians, Entitlement, Growth, Maturity, Sanctification, Welfare
The Paradox [Haggai 1:3-7, 9; other topics = Contradiction, Glory (God’s), Sanctification]
Have we not built taller buildings, but developed shorter tempers ; built wider roads, only to gain narrower views; purchased more, but possess little; spent more, and enjoy it less.
We’ve bigger houses, smaller families, and more conveniences, but less time to enjoy them; acquired degrees, with less wisdom; procured more knowledge, but abandoned common sense; groomed many experts, yet we’ve more problems; developed better pharmaceuticals, resulting in manifold health-phobias.
We’ve increased our possessions, but lowered values. We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life; we’ve added years to life, but not life to years. We love too little and hate too much. We’ve been to the moon, but not to our neighbors. We’ve conquered outer space, but not inner space; we clean the air, but pollute the soul; we’ve conquered the atom, but not our prejudice; we’ve higher incomes, but lower morals; we’re long on quantity, but short on quality.
These are times of tall men, with short character; Mt. Everest profits, and Dead Sea relations. We now have two parent incomes, giving us single parent children; elegant houses, but pathetic homes. This is a time when man has much in his catalogue, but nothing in his distribution center.
A paradox is a contradiction which retains its truthfulness. Relativism has brought the world to the brink of global government yet with an “emperor has no clothes” mentality.
We go ahead and buy what looks or sounds good even though we suspect in advance it’s a facade.
We receive God’s abundant blessings, yet discover we are poor managers of them; we credit ourselves for the gain, and then receive God’s chastisement doing so.
The Wise Woman’s Stone [Matthew 6:19-21 other topics - Perspective, Treasure]
A wise woman, while traveling in the mountains, found a precious stone in a stream. The next day she encountered a hungry traveler. The woman opened her bag to share what food she had but the hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked if he could have it. She gave it to him without hesitation.
The traveler left rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime. A few days later, however, he returned the stone to the woman. ”I’ve been thinking,” he said. “I know how valuable this stone is, but I must give it back in the hope you will give me something even more precious. Give me what you have inside of you that enabled you to give me this stone.”
It’s not your possessions in this world that others need; rather it’s what you possess on the inside that they need.
[Author Unknown]
Posted by
John Gillmartin
1:33 AM
Labels: Contradiction, Glory (God's), Haggai, Materialism, Matthew, Perspective, Sanctification, Treasure
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
PERSEVERANCE - I know I can! I know I can!
Wally Amos, founder of both Famous Amos’ Chocolate-chip Cookies and the Nonamé Cookie Company, tells the story of a business associate named Bill Berger.Berger recently had a stroke, his brain filling with life threatening blood, leaving him paralyzed on his right side. Part of his self-imposed therapy was to go back to work, even though his right arm hung limp, even though he was forced to drag his right foot.On one business trip Amos noticed Berger start the car with his right hand, rather than reaching across with the other. He vowed by summer he would use his right arm only. He told Amos he had made “a conscious choice” to recover. Amos said everywhere they went Berger knew people by name and they were all glad to see him.Amos related: “I spoke with Bill today, and he told me that since the last time we were together he had successfully completed an 8-mile race. That in itself is a great feat, but he went on to say that he had forgotten where he parked his car and had to walk another two and a half miles to find it.” [“Attitude is a most powerful force;” The Costco Connection, July 1999, 115]So you think you have problems overcoming? You can choose not to!
This past weekend Super Bowl (number whatever) was won by fourteen-point underdogs, the New England Patriots.
Nine years ago, January 3, 1993, another team, the Buffalo Bills, won by a field goal in overtime against the Houston Oilers. At half-time the score was – Oilers 28, Bills – 3; nine minutes into the third quarter the Oilers intercepted a Bills pass and went out 35 – 3. But at the end of the game, 21 minutes later, in overtime, the Bills kicked a field goal to win 38 – 35.
On the Monday following this week’s Super Bowl, a high school coach reminded Rush Limbaugh of a truth most coaches have known for ages: it makes no difference who is ahead at the end of the first quarter, who is ahead at half-time, who is ahead at the end of the third quarter, or even who is ahead at the two-minute warning in the fourth and final quarter ... it only matters who is ahead when the game ends.
At the end of the first, second or third quarters no one knows who is going to win. Not even at the two minute warning is anyone "certain" of who will win. Athletes ought to be brainwashed with that truth ... those that are win more games and play much better whether ahead or behind.
This truth reminds athletes of what Paul told the Corinthians long ago, it ain’t over till it’s over: "run in such a way that you may win." [1 Corinthians 9:24b]
In our world today, it may appear the enemy is ahead in points. Perhaps this is the fourth quarter or even beyond the two-minute warning … but it doesn’t matter, because we all know who will be the winner when the game of life ends – the Lord Jesus Christ!
NO GATE CAN KEEP HER AWAY! [Romans 8:38-39; Persistence]
Our oldest daughter was about two and we lived in a parsonage next door to our first church. Well, Jennifer loved to come over to the pastor’s office and visit with daddy. Only daddy couldn’t visit with her as often as she was able to visit with him.
On several occasions, we warned her of the need for permission to visit with her daddy but the warnings had no affect. Forced into a trade off between love for my daughter and my responsibility to the church, we did the only thing we could do, we locked the gate. My work was uninterrupted for two days. I remember feeling guilty about that.
On the third day, Jennifer’s little round face peaked around the corner of the door. When she realized I’d seen her, her face lit up with a heart-melting grin. “Hi, daddy!” She whispered.
After the obligatory hug and boost to my lap, I buzzed my wife to chastise her for leaving the gate unlocked. Surprised, she said, “John, I am looking out the window at the front gate and it is as locked now as it was earlier. How did that little stinker get out of the yard?”
Later we discovered our little girl had no fear of heights or climbing when it came to getting where she wanted to go. She had climbed the fence!
The redeemed should be like Jennifer; they should be so in love with their Father in heaven that not even the gates of hell can keep them from His presence.
One Wish [Proverbs 3:5-6; Encouragement, Humor, Man vs. God, Overcoming]
A man walking on the beach finds a lamp; he picks it up, rubs it, and out pops a genie. The genie says, "For releasing me I shall grant you one wish!”
The man thinks earnestly for a minute and then says, "Pretty soon I’ll be going to Hawaii on my honeymoon, but I’m afraid of flying … so, give me a bridge to Maui.”
The genie gives the man a stern look, “Do you realize how much it’ll take to do that? It’ll cost millions to hire workers, not to mention the material needed. Then there’ll be countless rest stops and gas stations. A bridge like that would interfere with shipping lanes and never pass an environmental impact study. You’ll just have to make another wish!”
The man concentrates again, and then said, “Okay, since I’m going to be married, tell me how to understand women.”
The genie paused for a moment then says, “So … this bridge … you want two lanes, or four? Single, or double deck?”
Some challenges seem impossible on their face yet, when placed alongside others, they pale by comparison. Winning the world for Jesus makes witnessing to neighbors seem like child’s play; starting a Bible study seems daunting, until compared with starting a new church. Dare to dream big. A vision for God which expects little and seems all too possible is nothing more than a day dream.
Posted by
John Gillmartin
3:10 PM
Labels: Attitude, Endurance, Faith, Overcoming, Perseverance, Persistence
Move Over Mel Tillits [Matthew 25:13-30; other topics = Disabilities, Talents (Hidden)]
While looking around for talent in the church, remember that not all those whose talents appear hidden have indeed hidden them.
Consider this story - Gail Stout, Associate Editor of Church Business magazine, reports her pastor was in the habit of asking for testimonies at their worship services, to make them more personal.
One Sunday, Daisy, one of the assistants in the church office, stood with her husband. She told of their meeting each other in church as children and their life together. Everyone who had ever been in the church offices knew of her positive and happy spirit. But it wasn’t until that Sunday testimony that people found out about her strength and her husband’s disability ... their mutual love of the Lord and of each other shined from within.
Daisy’s husband and childhood sweetheart had suffered a stroke years earlier and was now unable to speak. When Daisy finished their testimony, her husband came to the microphone and sang a beautiful solo.
[Gail Stout, “A Woman’s Place in the Church,” Church Business, July 1999]
Posted by
John Gillmartin
3:09 PM
Labels: Disabilities, Gifts, Matthew, Overcoming, Talents, Women
Friday, January 07, 2005
Nothing but the Truth [Ecclesiastes 12:14; other topics - Deeds, Good & Evil, Hidden things, Judgment, Sin, Word]
In the US, citizens and officials have grown concerned about the tragic circumstances surrounding a place called The Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, Texas.
Apparently not all of what was reported by those in charge in 1993 was all that should have been reported about the assault on the armed compound. There were calls for an independent investigation into what happened.
Agencies of our government assaulted the compound leaving 86 people dead, 24 of them children. Although it took place several years before, it returned to the headlines when the FBI admitted it had used incendiary devices during the assault which destroyed the compound by fire ... something they had denied.
As of today, there is new information that U.S. Attorney General Reno, who heads the Justice Department, may have been kept in the dark about some aspects of the siege. The Dallas Morning News reported that Assistant U.S. Attorney Bill Johnston made the claim based on a five-year-old document he was given. The record indicates the use of potentially flammable tear gas at the compound be kept secret from all but the legal staff at Justice.
No special prosecutor, no special investigation, no review of the facts will be necessary on the Great Day of the Lord. God will simply open the books and present the facts. Nothing will be hidden from His sight [Hebrews 4:12-13].
The Bible tells us ... "God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil."
Posted by
John Gillmartin
8:40 PM
Labels: Deeds, Ecclesiastes, Evil, Good, Hidden things, Judgment, Sin, Word, Works
WITNESS - It's ours to lose!
BACKYARD CHRISTIANITY [2 Samuel 16:7; other topics - Carnality; Sin; Transparency; Walk; World]
Pilots will understand when I say that Christian lives are often like the disparity between the front and backyards of many California homes.
On bright sunshiny days, when you’re blessed to be dancing with the clouds, you’ll be amazed to see the stark difference between the front and backyards of numerous homes.
You’ll see beautiful lush, green, landscaped front yards, one after another, like a Irish giant’s checkerboard quilt, but every third backyard or so will be Sahara-brown, weed-covered and trash-littered. It may be difficult for us to see a man’s backyard but a pilot has no trouble.
Likewise, the soul and spirit of a man is as hidden from other men, as his backyard is hidden from the passerby. It may be impossible for one man to see the inner reality of another, but from God’s perspective, it’s no trouble at all.
FOR APPEARANCE SAKE [Matthew 10:24-33; other topics - Easter, Fear-Fearlessness]Today we all know about computers; even in the most undeveloped nations on earth, great numbers of people know about computers. Yet, many folks, are scared to death of them.
Take a kid who’s never seen a computer into a room with one, leave him alone for a couple of days, come back later and you’ll be amazed at what he’s learned on his own. On the other hand, leave a grown up and you’ll have a nervous wreck in two hours. What’s the difference?
In the case of the former, there is no fear. It may be an unknown to them but they are filled with a fearless “can-do” attitude. The later are filled with terror, not of the machine, not of the software, or the firmware, or the hardware ... no, none of these. What then?
It’s the fear of failure and the fear of embarrassment; the fear that they might somehow look bad to others, that they might somehow seem to be foolish or worse, stupid!
Every year Easter brings this human quirk home to me; for this season of the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension ought to cause all believers to witness for Jesus. But they don’t! Why?
Consider for a moment the differences between the kids and the adults above: youth brings a kind of fearlessness which says, “I don’t care what other people think, I’ve gotta do this!” Age, on the other hand, brings with it a deep concern for appearances. Doesn’t it? We get all hung up on what others might think.
Sandi Martin is a critical-care nurse who has a red dot on the face of her wristwatch. In hospitals people are very conscious of blood-borne disease, many patient’s and staff assume blood has splashed onto her watch.
However, when asked, Martin’s quick response has always been, “... don’t worry; this blood is 2,000 years old. This dot reminds me of Jesus, who paid for my eternal salvation with his own blood.” Most respond with a smile and nod while gazing at the dot.
Witnessing is so simply many times. People are not offended so often by our attempts to share Christ as they are by the way in which Christ is shared. If what Jesus has done for you, means something to you, then tell people what it means to you. Follow that up with what He will mean to them.
I don’t recommend witnessing gimmicks, but a gimmick such as Nurse Martin’s, when based on a personal truth, will bear much fruit.
[Adapted from “Red dot on wristwatch opens doors for witness,” by Barbara Denman; Baptist Press, 4/14/99]
Global Halitosis [Matthew 24:6-8; other topics - End Times; Peace]
Christ said when the fig tree blooms we’ll know the end is near. He said one of the other signs was "wars and rumors of wars.” He said you’ll also hear people peddling peace.
Everywhere you look today you see war and fighting. It seems every nation on earth is in a fight or threatening to have one [and that doesn’t even take into account the earthquakes or famines]. And if you listen real well, you’ll hear a crescendo of voices crying “peace, peace.”
In telling stories of his youth in Kentucky, Lee Roberson describes a 25 acre farm he and his family worked years ago; but all it ever was, was “25 acres of wild garlic.” He says his family did everything they could to get rid that farm of garlic: they “sub soiled” it, “plowed” it, and “burned” it, to no avail. Roberson says he milked four cows (twice a day, every day) for his folks. He even skimmed it and churned it for butter. He asks, after all that work, “you know what you’re drinking? ... Did you ever drink onion milk?”
Roberson closed with this comment: “There will be no peace in this age for the roots of war cannot be dug out. There will be no peace in this age because of the worldly, sinful nature of man”
[Adapted from “The Truth That Changed My Life,” Dr. Lee Roberson; Revival Fires!; September 1999, Vol. 11, No. 9, 16]
Second Incarnation [Ephesians 4:1-27; other topics - Church (health & nature)]
David Hansen defines vision as “an incarnation of the will of God in a particular place.”[1] To that I would add, in the midst of a particular people.
Complacency and discouragement are the twin enemies of vision: Billy Graham said, “complacency makes us lazy; discouragement paralyzes us.”[2] Then he challenged his readers to understand the context for his statement: 1) 70% of the world remains unsaved, therefore complacency is not an option; 2) God is still at work around us, we dare not be discouraged.
A church needs to know where God wants it to go, what He wants it to be, and the purpose for which it exists; that journey begins with the mind and heart of God, it is translated into God’s vision for His Church, through His people. A believer cannot plow looking back; neither can a church.
A church is not a society, it is an organism; each member cell must be healthy or the whole organism suffers. A healthy organism has cells focused on the same end … unity in the bonds of peace … the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love [Ephesians 4:3, 16], which is ultimately to the glory of God.
[Adapted from [1] Current Thoughts & Trends, April 1996, 16 #11035; [2] ibid. December 1996, 22 #11686]
Posted by
John Gillmartin
7:40 PM
Labels: Church health, Complacency, Ephesians, Vision, Will (of God)
The Big Rocks! [Haggai 1:6; other topics – Priorities, Idols, Lusts, Greed, World]
To make a point, a time-management expert gave his highly placed students a pop quiz. Taking a big wide-mouthed jar, he positioned it on the table in front of him. He then took several fist-sized stones and carefully positioned them in the jar until they reached the top. He then asked, "Is the jar full?"
Everyone looked at each other then, shrugging their combined shoulders, said, "Yes!" "Really?" He asked, as he pulled a bag of pea gravel from under the table. Taking the jar he cautiously poured gravel into the open mouth of the jar, regularly shaking it to get the gravel to settle. Again he queried, "Is it full?"
A voice from the back of the room whispered, "Probably not!" "Good," the expert said. This time he pulled out a child’s sand bucket and carefully poured sand into the open mouth of the jar, again shaking it to get the sand to settle. "Is it full?" He challenged.
"No!" A combined class voice responded. "Good," he said as he took the water pitcher from the table and filled the jar to the brim. "Is it full?" He inquired.
"It sure looks like it," replied several members of the group. "Not good," the teacher chided, as he took a sugar bowl from the table and scooped spoon after spoonful of the white crystals into the saturated sand mixture.
When the surface became clogged with sandy sugar, he gently shook the jar until it dissolved. He repeated this until the sugar bowl was empty. "What’s the point?" He prompted.
One zealous young executive blurted out, "No matter how full the schedule, there’s always room for more, if you try!"
"No!" The speaker shot out. "No! This object lesson teaches us two things: 1.) if we don’t put the big rocks in first, we’ll never get them in at all; and 2.) once the big rocks are in, an orderly introduction of everything else accomplishes more than a random introduction."
What are the big rocks of your life? God? Family? Ministry? Charity? Others? Dreams? Country? Education? Health? Or are your big rocks of your life the things of this world? The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, the boastful pride of life?
If you sweat the small stuff you’ll fill your jar too fast, and with low priority things. Where your heart is there your treasure will be also. Where’s your heart?
Posted by
John Gillmartin
7:20 PM
Labels: Greed, Haggai, Idolatry, Lust, Materialism, Priorities, Treasure, World
Traditions (Church)
How It All Began! [2 Corinthians 5:18-6:10; other topics - Apathy; Apostasy; Power (in the Church)]
It all began in a cage containing five apes. In the cage a banana was hung on a string, stairs were placed under the banana. Before long, an ape went over to the stairs and started to climb. As soon as he touched the stairs, someone outside the cage sprayed all the apes with ice water.
In a few minutes, another ape began to make his way up the stairs toward the banana, again all the apes were sprayed with ice water. As the day wore on, several more attempted to reach the banana; each time the result was the same: the other [more experienced] apes physically stopped him.
At this time, one of the original apes was removed and replaced by a new one. The new ape roamed around for a minute; then he spied the banana. Immediately, he made his way to the stairs. To his horror, all the other apes attacked him. After another attempt and attack, he realized if he tried to climb the stairs, he’d be assaulted again.
Soon another of the original apes was removed; like the other, he was replaced by a new ape. This newcomer saw the banana and the stairs right away; he wasted no time going for the prize. But, lo, he was attacked savagely. Interestingly, the previous newcomer took part in the punishment of this upstart, doing it with enthusiasm.
Still a third member of the original group was replaced by a new one. The new ape made a turn toward the stairs but was attacked before getting there. Strangely, two of the four apes that beat him had no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs, or why they were participating in the beating of each newcomer.
After replacing the fourth and final apes, all of those who had been sprayed with ice water were gone. None of the current occupants of the cage ever again approached the stairs they only looked longingly at the banana.
Why not? Because that’s the way it had always been around there and that’s how their group traditions were formed.
Paul told us we should fight the good fight, but he intended that our fight be against the enemies of the cross. Little did he know how many wolves would infiltrate the church, or what effect it would have on the children of God.
God hung a banana over the work of every church;. He knew it would not be easy to reach, what with the opposition guaranteed to come, but He desires we persist in spite of hardships and headaches, ice water, and beatings. Many churches earnestly recruit new apes ... but, more often than not, the minute he turns toward the prize that’s before him, he’s beaten back by his fellow apes.
Posted by
John Gillmartin
3:20 PM
Labels: 2 Corinthians, Animals, Apathy, Apostasy, Brainwashing, Traditions
Thursday, January 06, 2005
TEMPTATION - The Devil made me do it!
FAMILY PRAYER CLOSET [1 John 2:15; Television]A pastor was preaching an impassioned sermon on the evils of television. He said, “It steals away precious time which would be better spent on other things." He advised the congregation to do what he had done. "I put that confounded box of ours in the closet.” He roared with great satisfaction.
To which his wife was heard to mumbled, "And it's really crowded watching movies in there!"
[ Adapted from CLEAN LAFFS - Thursday, November 1, 2001]HOLD THE SAUCE [Various Scripture; other topics - Sin (Cost of); Righteousness; Pornography; Testimony; Voyeurism; Walk; Witness]
In Chicago, Illinois, health officials are investigating the explosion of two bottles of Col. Johnson’s Thermo-Nuclear barbecue sauce.
According to a report from United Press International, the explosions occurred in people’s kitchens. No one was hurt, but the spicy, hot sauce caused hundreds of dollars in damage to curtains, carpeting and furnishings.
Man continues to play around with dangerous items on a daily basis, not knowing for sure where the next explosion will come from or when it will happen.
Surveys tell us that huge segments of society are involved in Internet pornography; other data reveals the numbers are so large it must cross over the threshold and into the very sanctuaries of the household of God. It is statistically unreasonable to expect otherwise.
The Bible tells us our sins will find us out. The Bible tells us we will pay the price for our iniquities, both in this life and the next. We are to keep ourselves unstained from this world [James 1:27] but it appears that much of the church has been sleeping in a garbage truck.
[Adapted from David Miller, American Family Radio, News Network 1999]
Posted by
John Gillmartin
3:30 PM
Labels: 1 John, Humor, Pornography, Sin, Television, Temptation, Testimony, Voyeurism, Walk, Witness
Love-Fear Relationship [Various Scripture; other topics - Communications; Parenting]
Colleen Reece, in Lutheran Witness, offers “Ten things your teen won’t tell you”:Teens have never told their parents everything and they aren’t going to start now.1.) “Walk in my combat boots”: what seems easy to you is open warfare for me!
2.) “My holdout span is limited”: I’m not as strong as I look; please say no!
3.) “The world is strange, and I’m scared”: the headlines terrify me!
4.) “I can’t perform on demand”: I’m not a trained pet, I’m just a kid!
5.) “Don’t be embarrassed if I don’t respond the way you hope I will”: was it that long ago when you were a kid?
6.) “Please don’t compare me to others”: I’m stuck with you, so I guess you’re stuck with me!
7.) “I can’t like everything you think I should”: loosen the reins a little, okay?
8.) “Handle me with care”: don’t think you know everything.
9.) “Let me be my own age”: I only get to be a child once; get over it!
10.) “Role model Jesus for me”: how you demonstrate your faith means more than what you say about it!
As one writer put it, “most parents are glad when they tell them anything.” Fear is a strong emotion and often disrupts communication between parents and children. The list above offers keen insight into the kinds of things young people struggle with in that no-man’s land of teen age life.
[Adapted from “Things teens struggle to communicate,” Current Thoughts & Trends, September 1999, 12]
Posted by
John Gillmartin
3:29 PM
Labels: Communications, Family values, Parenting, Teens, Youth
Special Days
Spirit of Christmas [John 14, 16; other topics -Carnality, Christmas, Lust (of the World), Materialism, Spirit]
A couple of years ago my wife was getting a jump on the Christmas decorating; being an insensitive beast, I said, “Aren’t the decorations going up kind of early?” She said, “Oh, I’m just trying to get into the spirit!”
Her response made me think: half the world is unable to provide a decent living, home, or meal for their families, yet here we are putting up decorations worth who knows how much and all to celebrate what the world calls a lie; the “spirit” we’re “getting into” is the spirit of this world, and we’re trying real hard to get into it, while we should be trying to get the Spirit of God into us … or if He is already in us we should trying as hard to reveal Him to those around us; and if we put as much money and effort into reaching the lost or caring for the poor, how would the real Spirit of Christmas be manifested? Christmas is coming again this year, PTL; let’s keep it holy because He is holy!
Mother’s Day [Various Scriptures; other topics - Compassion; Drugs; Responsibility; Welfare]
For the thinking and feeling person it comes as no shock when we read things like the following.
In a LA Times story, by Times Staff Writer Sylvia Pagan Westphal, it was reported that, in the drug-culture, "mother’s day” takes place the first week of every month. It's the day when welfare checks are issued in Los Angeles County.
Drug dealers anticipate “mother’s day” and stock up to raid the extra cash. The day is so named because the checks have traditionally gone to welfare-mothers. Social workers and physicians who see low-income substance abusers are well aware of the phenomena.
In a New England Journal of Medicine study released in early July, 1999, it was revealed that more than 4,000 additional deaths occur during the first week of the month as compared to the last week of the preceding month.
You don’t end a person’s problems by feeding it. There is an amazing difference between the welfare of the man in the parable of “The Good Samaritan” and the welfare our culture engages in; take them to Calvary for “by His stripes are they healed.”
[Adapted from “Study Links Welfare Paydays to Rise in Drug Deaths,” Los Angeles Times, Thursday, July 8, 1999, A17]
Posted by
John Gillmartin
3:28 PM
Labels: Carnal Christians, Christmas, Compassion, Drugs, John, Lust, Materialism, Mother's Day, Responsibility, Welfare
Sovereignty (of God)
God as A Waiter (or God as A Relief Pitcher) [Amos; Malachi; 2 Timothy 3:5; other topics - Commitment]
The generation just past crowded God to the boundaries of life, while the present generation is shoving Him over the edge.
Oh, we want Him around when it’s useful, but we don’t want Him intruding when it isn’t. We see Him like a waiter at a party, standing silently against the wall until needed. He is then beckoned with the hand, to come and serve or to clear the dishes.
Sometimes, we see Him like a relief pitcher in a major league bullpen, hidden from view until the team is in trouble … we then beckon him to come in and save the game for us."God is a Gentleman, if you ask Him to stay out of your government, your courts, your schools, your businesses, or your homes ... He will oblige you." [Ruth Graham Lotz, paraphrased][Paraphrase - Hubbard, David Allan; “Why Can’t I Worship God My Own Way?,” Amos: God Speaks to an Age Turned Sentimental; Themes from the Minor Prophets: A Bible Comm. for Laymen; Regal Books, 1980 p.37]
Posted by
John Gillmartin
3:27 PM
Labels: Amos, Apostasy, Backsliding, Consecration, Sanctification, Unbelief, Unrighteousness, Walk
Social Issues
Equally Hurt [1 John 2:15-17; other topics - Equality, Godliness, Roles, Sexes (Battle of), War (Cultural)]
A survey by MSNBC, September 1999, [1] asked the following question: are men really miserable? The survey offered four possible responses:
- You bet. They're expected to live to an impossible set of standards. (17%)
- No way. Men are just fine the way they are. (7%)
- It's all the feminists fault. (7%)
- Men and women have been equally hurt by a culture that values fame, power, and money above all. (69%)
The survey accompanied an article by Susan Faludi, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Male, Wm. Morrow & Co., on how culture conspires to make men miserable. [2]
What I see revealed in the results of this unscientific survey is a lack of awareness and sensitivity on the part of the shakers-and-movers of our society, something seemingly not lacking among the general populace. I'm beginning to see that most Americans aren't as stupid or as relativistic or as materialistic as most politicians, entertainers, educators, media gurus, and society mucky-mucks make them out to be.
Clearly, most respondents are aware that we all share the blame for the appalling condition of our culture and that fame, power, and money are not the answers.
[Adapted from [1] approx. 5,300 responses as of 9/15/99; no margin of error was given, if any. [2] MSNBC, 9/15/99]
Nonetheless [Psalm 49:16-20; other topics - Evil, Perseverance, Regeneration, Tribulation]
The shootings at Wedgwood Baptist Church in Ft. Worth, Texas, reminded me of something I read a few years ago.
Wm. Bennett, Ronald Reagan's Secretary of Education, in a speech to the Heritage Foundation, shared a discussion he had with a Washington DC cab driver. The cabby, a native of Africa, was in the nations capitol doing grad work; he told Bennett when he finished his studies he was going home, where it would be safer for his kids. He said he didn't want his daughter viewed as a piece of meat; he also said he didn't want his son to be " the target of violence from the hands of other young males." He said, "It's more civilized where I come from!"
This is the opinion of an African man concerning the greatest nation on earth.
Bennett also relates how a young Polish girl, here on student exchange, said, "When I first came here, it was like going into a crazy world, but now I am getting used to it." She compared the two countries in this way: "In Warsaw, we would talk to friends after school, [then] go home and eat with our parents and then do four or five hours of homework but now I'm getting used to it. I'm going to Pizza Hut and watching TV and doing less work in school."
Bennett says, "Something has gone wrong with us." [1]
The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators points out that during the last 30 years our population has increased 41%; gross domestic product tripled; while social spending rose from $144 billion to $787 billion ... a five fold increase.
Those figures sound good, don't they? Well, during the same 30 year period, we experienced a 560% increase in violent crime; a 400% increase in illegitimate births; a quadrupling of divorces; a tripling of children in single parent homes; a doubling of teen suicide; and a 75 point drop in SAT scores. [2]
None of this is encouraging news ... but we do have Good News; our voices just need to be heard [Romans 10:14, 15]. Who will go and tell them!
One young man tried to tell the shooter at Wedgwood, but it was too late and it cost him his life. Perhaps, as we reflect, we should wonder who our neighbor is and who we know that hasnt heard the Good News while we still have time?
"Those who trust in their wealth, and boast in the abundance of their riches." [Psalm 49:6] surround us, yet they arenat the shooters. Nonetheless, their intense and sin-filled materialistic, greed is the reactant that seems to send the shooters over the edge.
[Excerpted from "America's cultural decline," William J. Bennett, AFA Journal, April, 1994 16, 17[1]; Ibid [2]]
Posted by
John Gillmartin
3:26 PM
Labels: 1 John, Cultural decay, Cultural war, Culture, Gender, Materialism, Men, Psalms
SIN: Someone must die in order to separate yourself from it!
BITTER MILK [Proverbs 14:12; 16:25; other topics - Man's ways; Unrighteousness]
It was reported in an Associated Press article a few years ago that Russia had developed a hybrid plant as a cheap substitute for cattle feed. However this designer plant has an unusual effect on the milk it produces ... it's bitter!
Now they've also discovered the plant, once started, is virtually unstoppable, causing "burns" and "stinging" for those who come in contact with it.
The effects of sin are much like this! What seems a good idea to man, turns into a disaster in the end!
CAN YOU REFUSE TO GO? [Matthew 25:45-46; Atonement, Hell]
John R. Cooper of Ridgecrest, California, hated paying taxes, so he didn't ... on several occasions. As you'd expect, he landed himself in jail. [Inyo County Register, 4/18/1986]
When I was a kid, a popular saying went something like this: "only two things are certain, death and taxes."
Another certainty, for those who reject God’s Son, is hell. Some hate the thought of anyone going to hell; and so they spend a great deal of energy denying its existence. Yet, unless their sin debt is satisfied (atoned for), they’ll land themselves there all the same. (Added 16 March 2006)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------GETTING OUT THE STAIN! [Jeremiah 2:22; other topics - Blood; Cleansing]When a bachelor I cooked many of my own meals ... being poor and a college student. At that time I had an adventurous spirit and liked to experiment, trying things I'd never tried before. That spirit is what got me into so much trouble before I met the Lord.At any rate, on one shopping trip, I decided to try black beans with a ham I had purchased. Now, I’d never tasted black beans, but I reasoned: the white ones were good but the red ones were better; so, black? ... well? They’ve got to be the best. For those who've had black beans, you will know the one disadvantage of these wonderful legumes ... the stain.Much of my culinary expertise, up to this point, had been out of an old Betty Crocker Cook Book my mother had given me. I followed the instructions for ham and beans using a nice four-quart, cast aluminum pot, also from mom.Well, when the time smelled right, I followed the aromas and lifted the lid. At first I was startled by the dark mound in the midst of a bubbling mass of black beans, but then I gathered my senses and sternly demanded, "What are you and what did you do with my ham?"That night I had a great meal of black ham and beans for dinner, with hot, buttered bread and creamed corn on the side. I ate like a king.I didn't feel the least bit foolish eating black ham until the next day, when I took some really thick slices of potato bread and made a ham sandwich ... I had a vague sense that Dr. Suess had made my lunch for me. But the real shock was a closer look at the pot; it was stained black from the bottom to half way up the inside. I honestly doubted I'd never get that stain out.I scraped, I scrubbed, I rubbed, I boiled ... nothing I did could get that stain completely out of that pot.When I met the Lord, face-to-face, I, like Isaiah, didn’t think the stain in my heart and soul would ever come out! There were times in my life when I tried ... scraping, scrubbing and rubbing, but nothing I did seemed to make any difference to that stain.I had almost given up when a hippie friend told me about a divine red cleanser that was guaranteed to get out even the worst of stains. She said I could only get it if I sank to my knees and pleaded with its Maker to give me what I needed (not what I deserved). I did ... He did ... and now there's no more stain ... praise His holy name!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------HOLY MOLD! [Romans 6:23a; Forgiveness; Iniquity; Repentance; Sin]
I'm told fungi (plural of fungus) are multicellular organisms usually composed of a network of cottony filaments. Often their filaments (or threads) clump up, looking more like a cottony tuft or pile. Some fungi are important sources of antibiotics, vitamins, and industrial chemicals. However, fungi are parasitic to their hosts ... eventually consuming them.
Most often fungi appear black or white in color but are also found in a multitude of hues, shades, and tones. Some fungi shine, some are dry, some are dusty, and many are slimy. They may be found almost anywhere one looks or can look. They are found in small quantities or in vast networks covering several thousand square miles.
All fungi reproduce asexually; meaning they require the agency of nothing other than themselves to reproduce.
Despite the fact that sin isn't multicellular or the source of anything good, fungi do remind me of unrighteousness.
Unrighteousness is always black yet found in every size, shape and texture imaginable and some unimaginable. It is also found in every place man can look and in many places he doesn't want to look. Sin comes disguised as tiny, hidden things, as-well-as huge, overt monsters of iniquity.
Unlike fungi, unrighteousness cannot reproduce asexually ... it needs the assistance of another ... its host. Nevertheless sin, like fungi, will destroy its host!
On the one hand, we've known about fungicides (fungus killers) for centuries; on the other hand, though, we've known of a cure for sin from the beginning. It's called repentance and is followed by forgiveness; man provides the former, while God provides the latter.
The Bible tells us "the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin." How's that for a sin-a-cide? (Added 16 March 2006)
JUST NOT HIS DAY! [Numbers 32:23; other topics - Darkness, Word]A report by an international news agency reveals just how bad a day some people can have ... recently, while renovating a building in the historic part of Natchez, Mississippi, masons found the fully-clothed skeletal remains of a man who has been missing for more than 15 years. His remains were found stuck in the chimney of an old, historic, Mississippi building; a structure dating from before the Civil War.
The man disappeared without a trace in 1985. At that time, a gift shop was a tenant in the building. Investigators discovered the man had a police record ... as a burglar.The Bible tells us our sins will find us out. In fact the Bible itself tells us the Word is Christ and that ... "there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do." [Hebrew 4:13]
NOT A SMALL MATTER! [1 Peter 5:8; Evil, Satan, Wickedness]Various news agencies are reporting employees at California's Monterey Bay Aquarium are looking for a lightning-quick mantis shrimp which is wreaking havoc in a coral reef exhibit.This shrimp roams around at night, under the cloak of darkness, leaving only the shells of prized sea snails, barnacles and hermit crabs. Workers believe the shrimp was introduced by way of a shipment of display rocks from Florida, into which it had evidently burrowed.Likewise, Satan also prowls about in the darkness seeking whom he may devour. Peter advises we stay alert and sober; you see the devil is no shrimp!Clearly those who warn us about importing worldly things into our lives, our homes and our workplaces are correct. We must be vigilant to prevent those things (which seem harmless and innocuous on the surface but may have horribly damaging critters hidden just out of view) from entering our lives.Desensitization is too tame a word for this danger ... "deadly spiritual carnivores" is better. These demonic forces have been leaving the shells of God's prized children along the Way for centuries.
REAPING WHAT WE SOW! [Ezekiel 21:24; other topics - Reaping, Responsibility, Sowing]
Radio talk show hostess, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, has been a major proponent of morality and women's issues, as well as the author of a book on the Ten Commandments from a Jewish worldview.
Unfortunately, twenty years ago, while dating (a.k.a. having an affair) a rock-n-roll disc jockey in Los Angeles, she allowed herself to be photographed in the nude. Last month her old flame sold those pictures to an Internet porn site for $50,000 and now the whole world can see Dr. Laura as sHe does not want to be seen.
Behold, your sins will find you out. To Dr. Laura's credit, she spoke of the issue on her talk show and took responsibility for her actions, admitted that it was a dumb thing for a grown woman to do, then said, "Now, let's get on with our lives."
ROTOTILLER WAITING TO HAPPEN! [Rom 3:23; other topics - Unrighteousness]
Kansas has been in the news a lot since the State Board of Education voted to eliminate mandatory teaching of evolution in the state's schools. This has raised a hornet's nest of trouble for Kansans.
However, hornets are not the only problem this Midwestern state has: they've got a "poor man’s grizzly" problem also. That's what hunters call the wild pigs that roam the state. These are mean, hairy, nasty, and vicious tempered hogs. They're probably reincarnated descendants of the 2,000 pigs the Lord flushed into the Sea of Galilee.
These "250-pound rats" are not welcome in this great farming area of the US. They tear up ground-crops eating young plantings, churn through river beds looking for fish eggs, drive out other wild animal species, and spread disease to man and beast alike.
One retired biologist said, "Once they have a toehold ... it's pretty hard to get rid of them." Many of the pigs are probably being trailered in, in the dead of night, from other states, he added. These feral hogs reproduce so quickly hunters can't keep their population in check; they're so adaptable they thrive in almost any environment.
The pigs have their defenders: hunters primarily. But some scientists say the problem is overblown, that the alarmists and do-gooders are making a big thing out of nothing.
Kansas is not the only place affected: Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and at least 19 other states have problems with these "pesky porkers." One writer said, "Each one of these hogs is a rototiller waiting to happen." [Michael Pearce of Newton, Kansas, said]. They can destroy a freshly planted field in a night or two.
Sin has plagued the world with just as much ferocity. It is a deadly disease, passed on from one generation to another. Sin is mean, nasty and horrible ill-tempered.
Sin has its defenders: participants primarily. But some religious people say the problem is being overblown, that the alarmists and do-gooders are making a big thing out of nothing.
But sin tears up families, churches, and businesses; it's been known to tear up whole denominations, even towns; it drives out other wholesome species, and it’s especially devastating to our young seedlings.
Sin spreads its disease to man and beast alike. Once it gets a toehold it's almost impossible to get rid of it. Much of it is being brought in, in the dead of the night. And iniquity is so adaptable that it thrives in almost any environment. And it reproduces so quickly that hunters of sin can’t keep it in check.
WARNING – CAUTION RECOMMENDED! [1 John 1:9; Righteousness, World]
Large batteries, like those in automobiles and boats, are normally filled with acid (sulfuric, if I remember right); so caution is recommended when handling them. The slightest contact can permanently damage clothing; most often, the damage is unseen till the next washing. I've seen many garments lifted from the wash with blotches of discoloration that virtually decompose when touched.
Sin is like battery acid. And we're exposed to sin on a daily basis in this technological age, by things we use as tools or for entertainment (for example cars, magazines, videos, or the Internet). Caution is always recommended when using them. Their utility is enormous, but they're fraught with danger. What appears on the surface to be a harmless excursion into an entertaining medium leaves unseen damage on our robes of righteousness.
In fact, the Bible warns us to remain "unstained by the world" [James 1:27] and not to love "the things of the world" [1 John 2:15f].
Fortunately, the same Bible offers a way of escape when we encounter this spiritual corrosive. It tells us, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." AMEN. (Added 16 March 2006)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------TAGS: Anecdotes, Atonement, Bitterness, Blood, Cleansing, Crime,
Evil, Forgiveness, Fungus, Illustrations, Mold, Pigs,
Preaching, Reaping, Repentance, Satan, Sermons,
Sin, Stain, Unrighteousness, Wickedness, Word
Posted by
John Gillmartin
3:25 PM
Labels: Atonement, Bitterness, Blood, Cleansing, Crime, Evil, Forgiveness, Preaching, Reaping, Repentance, Satan, Sin, Stain, Unrighteousness, Wickedness, Word